Tag Archives: #love

Zoom-Zoom alongside Zen

I haven’t posted anything in the “Life Weirdness” category for a while. But several episodes that happened to me recently make me want to come back and revisit some of these ideas. Things with Whomever are going exceedingly well. This … Continue reading

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One and Twenty Years

Again, it is the anniversary of that awful day. I don’t have much to add to my thoughts of last year, except this –   The call to national unity that both featured speakers made then is more urgent now. … Continue reading

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Vernal Equinox 2022 C.E.

Today is the Vernal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere – that date when the length of the daylight and nighttime are most nearly equal. (I would call this ‘the folk understanding’. If I wanted to get geekier, I could give … Continue reading

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More Modeling and the “motte and bailey” of Four-Letter Words (sfw – mostly)

Izzat love what I feel when you’re in my armsMake me die before I’d do you harmWhen you’re lost I will lead you homeIf you’re cold, you know I’ll keep you warm Am I wrong? Or izzat love when I … Continue reading

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